Terms & Conditions

Your pet is very important to us. The Hampshire Dog Groomer would like to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet's grooming experience as safe and pleasant as possible. Safety comes first for everyone - people as well as the animals - during the grooming process.  

Health or Medical Problems


Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. Please make sure to alert us of any current or past issues so that we may keep an eye out for them. All medical expenses for veterinary care will be covered by the pet's owner upon signing this form and The Hampshire Dog Groomer will not be held responsible for any conditions or problems that occur as a result of any pre-existing health condition.




Although accidents are very rare, there is a risk when dealing with animals. Grooming equipment is sharp, and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, scratches, nicks and quicking of nails etc. In most cases this happens when an animal is wriggling or moving around. Your pet's safety and comfort is our number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified of the accident. If The Hampshire Dog Groomer feels it is serious, and the owner is not on-site or contactable, The Hampshire Dog Groomer will seek immediate veterinary care for your pet with their registered Vet.


Veterinary Authorization - Medical Emergencies


The Hampshire Dog Groomer has permission to do whatever they deem appropriate for the wellbeing of your dog when it is in their care.  Should they determine that veterinary care is warranted, by signing this form, you give consent for them to seek immediate veterinary attention for your dog. You agree to pay all associated fees and costs.  If the veterinarian we have on file for you is not readily accessible The Hampshire Dog Groomer is authorized to use a veterinarian of their choice.  



All pets are REQUIRED to be up to date on all vaccinations.


Fleas and Ticks


The Hampshire Dog Groomer strives to be a flea-free salon. We expect all dogs entering the salon to be under a regular flea treatment programme. However, if you do think your dog may have fleas, please make us aware on arrival before your dog enters the salon and mixes with other dogs. This allows us to manage the situation effectively to no detriment to any other dog. If your pet has any fleas they will require a flea bath at your expense of £7.50-£20.00 (depending on the size of your dog).


Dangerous or Aggressive Animals - Refusal of Services


The Hampshire Dog Groomer has the right to refuse any services at any time. In the event that your pet is too stressed or becomes dangerous to groom, The Hampshire Dog Groomer has the right to refuse grooming services, stop grooming services, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during or after grooming and the client will be charged a grooming fee (for what was done up until that point). Such conditions include but are not limited to: behavioural issues, health problems, parasites and kennel cough.


Use of Muzzles


Muzzling does not harm your pet and protects both the pet and the groomer In some cases, muzzling may even calm a stressed animal, allowing the grooming process to continue. If your pet still acts in a way that is dangerous, The Hampshire Dog Groomer has the right to stop the grooming services at any time and a service fee will be collected. We do not muzzle unless your pet gives us reason too. Other methods are used to calm your pet first, muzzling is a last resort. Dogs that require muzzling or extra staff to help manage them will be charged at a higher than standard grooming rate. This is because dogs showing aggression or acute nervousness take much longer to groom.


Matted Coats


Animals with severely matted coats require extra attention. Matts in an animal's coat grow tight, and can ultimately damage and tear the animal's skin, which provides a breeding ground for parasite infestations. The Hampshire Dog Groomer will not cause serious or undue stress to your pet by de-matting. Mats can be very difficult to remove, and require the pet to be shaved. Removing a heavily matted coat can cause nicks, cuts or abrasions due to skin growths trapped in the matts. Heavy matting can also trap moisture near the pet’s skin allowing mould and fungus or bacteria to grow, producing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process.


Shaving a matted dog will dramatically change their appearance as their hair will be very short and close to the skin. After effects of matt removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of the hair to regrow. Whilst every precaution will be taken to prevent this, we cannot be held liable for any injury caused during the shaving process. Also, we cannot be held liable for any existing skin conditions or problems uncovered during the shaving process. In the interest of your pet, we request your permission to obtain veterinary treatment should it be necessary.


Be advised that after the process, you may see a few temporary changes with regards to your dog's behaviour. This is due to the skin being under a blanket of fur which can be tight in some places and cause the blood to rush to the surface, once it's released from the mats. They may race around the house, roll around or shake their head. These are all natural reactions and should stop after a couple of days. You may notice your pet's skin is red and possibly sore in places; this will subside after a couple of days, as the skin returns to normal.


The welfare of your pet is paramount, therefore please be advised that if, during the shaving process, if your dog becomes distressed or exhausted, we reserve the right to stop and ask you to bring the dog back at a later date to compete the process. Please note that there will be an additional charge for this additional time.


Please also be advised that if your dog becomes stressed or is aggressive, we again reserve the right to stop the process as your dog may need assistance from a vet, i.e. sedation, to complete the shaving process. Please note that the full price will still be charged.


Prevention is the best defence by scheduling regular grooming appointments, every 4-8 weeks. If your pet needs to be shaved to remove matting, and whether a dog is matted is at the sole discretion of The Hampshire Dog Groomer.


There will be an additional charge for this process: it is time consuming and causes extra wear and tear on grooming equipment.


Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning


The Hampshire Dog Groomer offers Ultrasonic teeth cleaning. Whilst this method of dental cleaning is highly effective in removing mild tartar, improving gums, mouth health and breath, The Hampshire Dog Groomer cannot guarantee the treatments’ effectiveness or suitability for individual dogs due to varying external factors.


Each dog will have its own tooth brush head that will not be used on another dog. This is purchased at the initial treatment and will be replaced after 20 treatments or before if damaged. Replacement toothbrush cost is £10.00


If we feel any teeth are loose or at risk of becoming loose when the tartar comes off we may request you get your pets’ teeth checked at your veterinarian before treatment. It is possible that the tartar build up will be too great and then a veterinary dental may be necessary initially and then follow up ultrasonic maintenance visits with us.


The Hampshire Dog Groomer cannot be held responsible for any problems occurring from poor dentition before, during or after any ultrasonic treatments.


The Hampshire Dog Groomer ultrasonic treatment is not a veterinary procedure and The Hampshire Dog Groomer cannot diagnose any problems with your dog’s mouth.


Appointment Times


All of our grooming appointments are for 3 hours. This allows time throughout the grooming process for us to give your dog a break. Dogs under no other circumstances stand up still for long periods so we are aware that for many dogs the grooming process can be tiring, so by giving a break we are making this process as pleasant and as comfortable for your dog as possible.  Please appreciate if we take longer than normal for a groom it is because this ethos is very important to us and it is because we aim to create a top quality pet groom at the same time as making sure the experience is positive and relaxing for your dog.  We are not a quick in and out groomer due to the fact that we believe the welfare and standard of the groom is more important than speed.  If you need your dog back within a certain time period, please make us aware of this before your appointment so that we can make the necessary adjustments in the diary. 


We require all dogs to be picked up after 3 hours. We ask you to inform us if you are running late.  We have a “late pick up” fee of £5 for every 15 minutes.


Interruptions during grooming services


For the safety of the animals being groomed, as well as the professional pet groomer, it is asked that you do not interrupt the groomer during grooming. Every effort will be made to insure your pet is groomed as safely as possible, but an excited pet can be dangerous to continue to work on. After dropping your pet off, please do not step back in the shop until you have received a phone call from us to say that your pet is ready or it is the agreed time of pick up. If you have any questions after drop off, please call us.




We hope you don’t have to cancel a grooming appointment with us but if you do please give us as much notice as possible. We are a small business and “no shows” can have a detrimental effect on us. If we have enough notice we can then fill that appointment.  Due to this we have the following cancellation charge:


LESS than 48 hours cancellation notice: 50% CHARGE excluding any discounts.


Late Arrivals of over 10 minutes will be classed as a no show as we work to a tight schedule and unfortunately cannot go ahead with your appointment if you are over 10 minutes late.


No Show


Exceptions will be made for unavoidable emergencies. However, if you cancel twice within a six month period without giving notice we will require 50% of the missed appointment cost before another appointment can be made.  If you miss more than two appointments in a row we will require a 50 % deposit for all bookings.